3 Tools That Will Make Your Remote Full-Time Job Easier

Jonnie Rozin
2 min readMar 10, 2022
Photo by Ignacio Amenábar on Unsplash

Life is hard enough. A full-time job doesn’t always make it any easier. Life gets hectic, and your boss expects you to get shit done.

Let me help. Here are 3 tools that will make your remote full-time job a little easier.


Hire freelancers on Fiverr to complete meaningless tasks that would normally take you or other employees hours on end, that way you can spend your time elsewhere helping the company more. And don’t worry, this isn’t something you’ll do all of the time. This is just a little extra push in the right direction.

Side note: check with your boss first before doing this. Make a point as to how this will help you be more efficient.


Asana is a lifesaver from an organizational standpoint. But it also doesn’t only have to be Asana. Todoist is another great organizational task manager. From personal projects, to work tasks, to grocery lists, task managers can seriously change the game, clear up your mind, and make your overall job easier.

A Great Communication Tool

I really really expect great communication at work, especially since I’ve been working remotely for the last 2 years. One of my favorite communication tools is Slack, but let’s not forget about the simple tools that are always there: email, text, and Google Meets.

That’s it. It’s pretty simple. Get organized, communicate with your team, and delegate what others can do better.

So much love,




Jonnie Rozin

Founder at JR Studios + Product Design Mentor at Designlab